
"Suits" an American legal drama created and written by Aaron Korsh. The show airs on the USA Network from its debut on June 23, 2011, which originally aired a 90 minute pilot. The show tells the story of Mike Ross, who works as a law associate for Harvey Spencer despite never actually attending law school. The show focuses on Harvey and Mike managing to close cases whilst maintaining Mike's secret. - Wiki

I remember when Suits first appeared on Netflix. It was something I flicked past several times, even toyed with the idea of watching it but always managed to talk myself out of it at the last minute. It wasn't until I was left with nothing else to watch that I finally stuck the pilot episode of Suits on. Im strange this way, if a programs name or cover image does not scream (WATCH ME IM AMAZING) then it is highly unlikely I will give it a watch when I first stumble across it. I was hooked from the first episode! It was not how I imagined it would be when I first saw the title and cover image, I had imagined a snooty stuck up lawyer and his journey through the courts however It is far from that! It really goes to show that like a book you can't judge a tv show by it's cover.

From the off the program is jam packed full of intelligent humor, it keeps the viewer thoroughly entertained and thinking at the same time. This is something that I really liked and something that ended up making Suits one of my favorite programs to watch.

Suits received an IMDB rating of 8.8 out of 10 from little over 183,000 voters which is fantastic. I can't praise the program highly enough and have successfully managed to convince many friends to watch it who eventually began to love it as much as I do.

There are currently three full seasons of suits available on Netflix with season four being available to buy on DVD. The full boxset itself cannot be bought yet however to buy all of the available seasons would cost just over £30. However I would highly advise you just to use Netflix for the price of £6.99 a month and just buy the following seasons as you need them - You can sign up here - or if you have never used Netflix before you can sign up for a free months trial!

Any feedback on my blog would be great and would ideally add some form of extra credit or something along those lines to my university project. So feel free to leave a comment, positive or not any feedback will be taken on board :) thanks, Scott.

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