
Do I Like Netflix?

It is a hard question to answer if I am honest. However I will do my best to come up with as detailed an answer as I can. 

The answer to the question would have to be no and here is my reason why; It is not that Netflix is a bad service, on the contrary it is certainly one of if not the best TV and Film streaming sites available today, yes there can be a lack of good shows and films to watch but it is one of the cheapest and at times one of the most reliable. The service is always ready available and at times has been there when I have had nothing else to do. 

Unfortunately though it has also been there when I have had things to do as well. The programs I have a habit of watching tend to come in many seasons and are some what quite addictive. I am a creature of habit and when I begin to watch a program I like to watch as many episodes as I can as often as I can to try and watch all of the seasons available. 

This is why I dislike Netflix, It is too readily available for my liking. This perhaps says more about my ability to walk away from a TV series however I maintain it is still Netflix fault haha. 

One thing that definitely makes it harder to walk away from a good show on Netflix is the dreaded next episode timer. For anyone that has never used Netflix, the next episode timer is basically a small timer roughly around 14 seconds long that starts to count down at the end of an episode, when the timer counts down and reaches 0 it will begin to play the next episode. A feat of genius in the streaming world as we all know the hardship of looking for the next episode or putting the next DVD in. However as genius as it is it is also evil!!! EVIL I tell you!! when you are lying in bed at 2am and really needing to get to sleep the last thing you want is another episode to start playing especially if it is a new tv series you are watching as more often than not the curiosity kicks in and you end up staying up later to watch the episode well I know I certainly do. 

This can be a real burden on sleep patterns, uni work, social lives etc and this is why I do not like Netflix. Will this stop me from continuing my subscription? No not a chance in hell, I like my tv programs and I shall continue watching.

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