Wednesday 18 February 2015

Picking a blog subject...

Picking a topic to write about for this blog deemed itself to be much more challenging than I had initially thought it would be. When I was told to write about something that I was interested in I instantaneously had a brain fart and became the most boring, uninteresting person imaginable with no hobbies or interests. Fortunately enough though I do have some hobbies and some interests and after a prolonged period of thinking time was able to come up with something I would be able to write about.

Eventually I decided to write about something that takes up a lot more of my time than it should, something that entertains and bores me, something packed full of variety and only costs me £6.99 a month...... I am indeed talking about "Netflix." With the dreaded 14 second countdown in between TV episodes I can find myself sometimes watching episode after episode late into the night or should I say late into the next morning. However this blog is not dedicated to my Netflix addiction (thankfully).

If you have never heard about Netflix then perhaps this blog is not for you but if you have then perhaps you will be interested enough to read about some of the TV programs and films I have watched recently and what I thought about them. One thing I constantly find with Netflix is that I never know what to watch next, perhaps if there were more "what to watch" blogs or articles then I would be able to better coordinated my time when on Netflix rather than scrolling through endless drivel to find something good enough to watch.

Over the next few weeks I plan on updating the world wide web on my views on some of the best and perhaps some of the worst things to watch on Netflix. However for just now I think I will call it a night! My next post will be about a recent TV series I have just finished called "Prison Break" originally aired in 2005 it is not new to TV screens but it is only recently I have taken the time to watch it. Stay tuned to see what I have to say about it...

Any feedback on my blog would be great and would ideally add some form of extra credit or something along those lines to my university project. So feel free to leave a comment, positive or not any feedback will be taken on board :) thanks, Scott.